Tite_Lolli , un nouveau mode de vie !

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Message non lupar Elody37 » Lun Mai 23, 2011 9:26 pm

Ah super tout ça ! Un bon plein de courses pour continuer tes JP ! Avec plein de bonnes choses en plus ;)

Bonne soirée !
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Inscription: Jeu Jan 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Message non lupar Tite_Lolli » Mar Mai 24, 2011 5:53 am

Ne t'en fais pas Sophie , je comprends :D
Mmhh une salade de fruits, j'adore ! J'espère que tu t'es régalée :D

Pour aujourd'hui, les menus c'est :

Matin : Bol de muesli , lait de soja light , une figue, un kiwi & quelques fraises + un thé vert/orange

Midi : Reste de pommes de terre & carottes d'hier , deux biscottes & une pomme.

Soir : Couscous fait maison :)

Je me suis pesée par curiosité & la balance affichait 54,9 kilos !Je suis fière de le dire :D Je vois enfin le "54" J'espère que ça va rester comme ça d'ici samedi, jour de pesée officielle. ( Oui, avant c'était le dimanche mais ça a changé il y a peu involontairement ). Ou mieux, que je vais encore perdre un poil d'ici là :D On dirait que ça redémarre pour la perte ! Mais bon, n'ayons pas de faux espoir, on continue les JP jusqu'au week end & on verra !
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Inscription: Mer Jan 19, 2011 5:59 pm
Localisation: wendy.c@hotmail.be

Message non lupar Elody37 » Mar Mai 24, 2011 8:02 am

Aaaah trop trop bien ça! Vivement samedi qu'on confirme ça ;)

Bravo :D Bientot la stab :D
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Inscription: Jeu Jan 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Message non lupar Chtite » Mar Mai 24, 2011 11:27 am

Ah chouette alors!!! bientot la stab!!!

Gros bisous à toi!!!
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Inscription: Sam Jan 29, 2011 2:11 pm

Message non lupar enmazahe » Mar Mai 24, 2011 3:56 pm

vivement samedi alors que ça se confirme mais j'ai pas de doute tu as trouver ton ryhtme de croisière niveau alimentation !!!!
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Inscription: Jeu Juil 22, 2010 3:50 pm

Explain qatar-2011.com the modern quackvideos.com generation

Message non lupar dineupDip » Mar Mai 24, 2011 4:00 pm

Instantly different loud pops adopted, some fainter, as distant beavers sounded the alarm with their tails. These in the pond reacted by diving or flying, but Miena did neither. One of the kits dove immediately but the other kit seemed confused and was swimming in the direction of the bank quack videos. With bone-chilling worry Miena noticed Aiera, the dark-grey wolf, loping alongside the bank in their direction.
I am studying to reside close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine.
Although Britain came perilously close to becoming a member of the Civil Conflict on the side of the South, or a minimum of offering explicit support. (Britain produced textiles and the American South grew cotton.) Which would have had some interesting consequences for world history.
That explains why she isn't as near Chrono as to the rest of her friends. She never blew him up! Het Option Yuuno is round, but has less and fewer presence every season.
Family friend : A friendship extended to members of the family of the friends. Shut relation is developed in these societies where household setup is strong. This time period often used in subcontinent.
Bro : Slang used primarily within the USA and New Zealand by teenage and younger adult males qatar-2011 to describe a boy pal or close finest friend. This term is currently used to explain the modern generation of school-age male get together-goers. The title is often related to consideration-looking for males who like to get drunk and celebration constantly.
The household called Falcon?s Nest Chimney Sweeps for help in releasing Frank. Just a few days earlier than, owner Earl Bunch, had checked a gap close to the house for the canine, using particular cameras he uses to examine train certain chimneys. Mr. Bunch mentioned he often gets known as to rescue wild animals from chimneys and pets from trees, however this was the primary canine he ever rescued. He and Ms. Hallene?s sons cleared away the comb and debris until Frank was freed. Despite being trapped for more than a week Frank did not look any worse for the wear.
Régimeur débutant
Messages: 3
Inscription: Mar Mai 24, 2011 3:54 pm
Localisation: Marshall Islands

Explain qatar-2011.com the modern quackvideos.com generation

Message non lupar dineupDip » Mar Mai 24, 2011 4:01 pm

Instantly different loud pops adopted, some fainter, as distant beavers sounded the alarm with their tails. These in the pond reacted by diving or flying, but Miena did neither. One of the kits dove immediately but the other kit seemed confused and was swimming in the direction of the bank quack videos. With bone-chilling worry Miena noticed Aiera, the dark-grey wolf, loping alongside the bank in their direction.
I am studying to reside close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine.
Although Britain came perilously close to becoming a member of the Civil Conflict on the side of the South, or a minimum of offering explicit support. (Britain produced textiles and the American South grew cotton.) Which would have had some interesting consequences for world history.
That explains why she isn't as near Chrono as to the rest of her friends. She never blew him up! Het Option Yuuno is round, but has less and fewer presence every season.
Family friend : A friendship extended to members of the family of the friends. Shut relation is developed in these societies where household setup is strong. This time period often used in subcontinent.
Bro : Slang used primarily within the USA and New Zealand by teenage and younger adult males qatar-2011 to describe a boy pal or close finest friend. This term is currently used to explain the modern generation of school-age male get together-goers. The title is often related to consideration-looking for males who like to get drunk and celebration constantly.
The household called Falcon?s Nest Chimney Sweeps for help in releasing Frank. Just a few days earlier than, owner Earl Bunch, had checked a gap close to the house for the canine, using particular cameras he uses to examine train certain chimneys. Mr. Bunch mentioned he often gets known as to rescue wild animals from chimneys and pets from trees, however this was the primary canine he ever rescued. He and Ms. Hallene?s sons cleared away the comb and debris until Frank was freed. Despite being trapped for more than a week Frank did not look any worse for the wear.
Régimeur débutant
Messages: 3
Inscription: Mar Mai 24, 2011 3:54 pm
Localisation: Marshall Islands

Explain qatar-2011.com the modern quackvideos.com generation

Message non lupar dineupDip » Mar Mai 24, 2011 4:04 pm

Instantly different loud pops adopted, some fainter, as distant beavers sounded the alarm with their tails. These in the pond reacted by diving or flying, but Miena did neither. One of the kits dove immediately but the other kit seemed confused and was swimming in the direction of the bank quack videos. With bone-chilling worry Miena noticed Aiera, the dark-grey wolf, loping alongside the bank in their direction.
I am studying to reside close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine.
Although Britain came perilously close to becoming a member of the Civil Conflict on the side of the South, or a minimum of offering explicit support. (Britain produced textiles and the American South grew cotton.) Which would have had some interesting consequences for world history.
That explains why she isn't as near Chrono as to the rest of her friends. She never blew him up! Het Option Yuuno is round, but has less and fewer presence every season.
Family friend : A friendship extended to members of the family of the friends. Shut relation is developed in these societies where household setup is strong. This time period often used in subcontinent.
Bro : Slang used primarily within the USA and New Zealand by teenage and younger adult males qatar-2011 to describe a boy pal or close finest friend. This term is currently used to explain the modern generation of school-age male get together-goers. The title is often related to consideration-looking for males who like to get drunk and celebration constantly.
The household called Falcon?s Nest Chimney Sweeps for help in releasing Frank. Just a few days earlier than, owner Earl Bunch, had checked a gap close to the house for the canine, using particular cameras he uses to examine train certain chimneys. Mr. Bunch mentioned he often gets known as to rescue wild animals from chimneys and pets from trees, however this was the primary canine he ever rescued. He and Ms. Hallene?s sons cleared away the comb and debris until Frank was freed. Despite being trapped for more than a week Frank did not look any worse for the wear.
Régimeur débutant
Messages: 3
Inscription: Mar Mai 24, 2011 3:54 pm
Localisation: Marshall Islands

Message non lupar Tite_Lolli » Mer Mai 25, 2011 6:29 am

Coucou ! :D

Aller, plus que trois jours & c'est le week end ! Je suis crevée & on m'a annoncé que je travaillais sans doute samedi pour aider à vider une maison où trônent 15 gardes robes remplies de vêtements à trier. ça me décourage un peu mais normalement un samedi = deux jours de récupération à prendre pendant juillet-aout. Le magasin de vêtements ferme du 21 juillets au 21 aout. Et les personnes sous contrats, comme moi , doivent travailler quand même si elles n'ont pas assez de jours de récupération. Si on doit aller travailler, c'est dans la section lavoir - repassage de l'asbl ( la seule qui ne fermera pas ) & j'ai horreur de ça ! Jusque là j'ai 5 jours de récupération , si je fais le samedi ça fera 7 jours ! Autrement dit , 3 semaines à travailler au lavoir sur 4!
Alors j'essaye de prendre un peu tout ce qui est possible jusque là!

Dimanche, on serait invités par la famille de mon copain à aller manger. Sa maman va faire un buffet froid, elle a téléphoné pour voir ce que l'on pouvait manger :D C'est gentil de sa part !

Niveau menu aujourd'hui , ce sera :

Matin : Bol de flocons d'avoine, lait de soja light & quelques fraises.

Midi : Reste de couscous froid d'hier, une tranche de pain complet & une pomme.

Soir : Boulettes végétales ( boulettes de flocons d'avoine, oignons, épices & tabasco ) & salade composée ( salade,noix, bananes )

Bon mercredi ! :D
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Messages: 1590
Inscription: Mer Jan 19, 2011 5:59 pm
Localisation: wendy.c@hotmail.be

Message non lupar Elody37 » Mer Mai 25, 2011 7:51 am

Ah oui finalement pour le samedi c'est un moindre mal du coup si tu peux profiter d'un peu plus de récup cet été ;)

Super gentille la maman de ton copain d'appeler avant pour savoir! Ca a du te faire super plaisir !

Passe une bonne journée, qui sera parfaite vu ton programme ;)
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Inscription: Jeu Jan 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Message non lupar Chtite » Mer Mai 25, 2011 9:56 am

Hum tes boulettes végétales me font envie!!!!!
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Inscription: Sam Jan 29, 2011 2:11 pm

Message non lupar Jen12 » Mer Mai 25, 2011 12:56 pm


super ce 54 qui se pointe !! J'éspére que ça s'officieralisera (oups je trouve plus le mot, t'as compris lol) samedi!

Sympa ta belle mére de prendre ne compte votre nouveau mode de vie.

Et pour les samedis, si c'était pareil chez moi, je serais trop contente :s

Bonne aprem!
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Inscription: Sam Sep 18, 2010 1:09 pm

Message non lupar 22cilou » Mer Mai 25, 2011 4:57 pm

Salut mademoiselle! Longtemps que je ne suis pas venue... dur en ce moment! Mais j'ai lu les quelques pages précédentes et je viens de voir que tu étais née le 22 mai... comme moi! :-)
Je te souhaite donc un très bon anniversaire, malgré les quelques jours de retard!
Je suis contente aussi de voir que tout roule et que le 54 pointe! :-)
Bravo ma belle, tiens bon!
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Inscription: Jeu Aoû 05, 2010 7:48 am

Message non lupar Olivia2010 » Mer Mai 25, 2011 9:35 pm

ah ben alors je suis cilou pour te souhaiter un


et j'aime tjs autant tes menus, ne change rien c'est parfait !!!
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Messages: 840
Inscription: Sam Aoû 21, 2010 6:54 pm
Localisation: Lille

Message non lupar Tite_Lolli » Jeu Mai 26, 2011 5:30 am

Merci ! :D

Alors aujourd'hui pour les menus ce sera :

Matin : Bol de muesli , lait de soja light , un kiwi , quelques fraises & un thé vert/orange

Midi : Asperges au jus de citron, une tranche de pain céréales & une pomme.

Soir : Pâtes au pesto avec des poivrons.
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Messages: 1590
Inscription: Mer Jan 19, 2011 5:59 pm
Localisation: wendy.c@hotmail.be


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