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Message non lupar kiki2003 » Dim Mai 29, 2011 7:12 pm

faut faire gaffe avec les aphtes, tu en as que dans la bouche ?
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Inscription: Sam Mai 07, 2011 8:05 pm

Message non lupar Rockela » Dim Mai 29, 2011 7:24 pm

bah dans la bouche sur les levre dessous la langue ouais ...
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Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar kiki2003 » Dim Mai 29, 2011 7:28 pm

arf!j'espere que t'en as pas plus, car mon homme quand il était petit il avait fait une aphtose mais c'est du style ca va jusque dans la gorge dans les yeux :o bref ca va si tu n'en es pas là :D mais bon va au médecin ou en pharmacie il te donneront quelque chose!
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Inscription: Sam Mai 07, 2011 8:05 pm

Message non lupar Ninie76 » Dim Mai 29, 2011 7:54 pm

Oui bonne décision le médecin !!!

bisous bonne soirée ...
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Message non lupar Rockela » Dim Mai 29, 2011 8:52 pm

oulah tu me fait peur kiki XD j'ai mal a la gorge en plus mais j'savais pas que ca pouvait aller jusqu'a ce point ^^
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Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar kiki2003 » Dim Mai 29, 2011 8:59 pm

non mais ca doit pas etre ca :o no panic lol si tu vas chez le médecin c'est bon ;)
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Inscription: Sam Mai 07, 2011 8:05 pm

Message non lupar Rockela » Dim Mai 29, 2011 9:10 pm

oui on verras bien ^^
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Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar Ninie76 » Lun Mai 30, 2011 8:35 am

coucou je te souhaite un bon début de semaine !!! bisous
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Message non lupar Rockela » Lun Mai 30, 2011 8:38 am

coucou les filles je reviens du docteur verdict c'est de l'herpès mes aphtes ... tout en meme temps >< rohlàlàlàlàlà ....

Bonne journée a toutes!
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Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar Ninie76 » Lun Mai 30, 2011 8:48 am

Oh mince j'espère que ça se guérit bien... bon courage ça à pas l'air marrant
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Message non lupar DemWhelfHella » Lun Mai 30, 2011 8:52 am

This work extends the framework of Ramadge and Wonham in directions. We take into account infinite behaviours and arbitrary regular specifications, whereas the standard framework deals solely with specs on the set of finite paths of processes. We additionally permit dynamic modifications of the sets of observable and controllable events.Pandora (Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Assets of Australia) constitutes one of the first large-scale programmes to be supported by the Australian authorities.
It aims to implement an archiving system for digital publications and Australian Websites. Following a preparatory section begun in 1996 by the National Library of Australia, a set of suggestions was published. These outline specifically ideas and methods of selection in addition to the modes of group and management of the archive. Publication is outlined here typically phrases: anything printed on the Internet is thought to be a publication, inside documentation alone being expressly excluded. The sites selected for conservation functions should relate to Australia or cope with subjects extremely relevant to the country, and must have been conceived by an Australian.Evaluators deal with the behaviour of complex non-linear systems, specifically the science, know-how and innovation system. Investigating the behaviour of such techniques isn't simple, Filmy Online Filmy bez limitu and evaluators set themselves the particularly difficult task of analysing the impacts of different policy interventions in such systems. This paper discusses a particularly essential side of the strategies used in analysis, and attracts some conclusions about its use.

Physical assistance could also be given to any exercise in this area. However, extra factors may be awarded if completed independently. If your little one doesn't choose to take part in these events an area has been arrange the place you and your youngster can discover technology. In the afternoon when older members are in observe and field you might be invited to take part in both the open swimming or bowling together with your child.Westbrook has taken a whole lot of warmth this collection, and certainly a few of it is deserved. He has to discover a solution to strike a better balance with his teammates - like he did in Recreation 7 towards Memphis. He is a younger level guard - he didn’t play the point till the professionals and he's solely 22. He is learning, figuring out when he has to attack and when that attack ought to be to set others up. But under strain he reverts to wanting to score as a result of that's what he did for so long. He does not think move first - he’s getting higher, but he’s not there yet.Quite a lot of registry cleansing agent Values on the market for the reason that triumphant This can be very essential for those who Reproduce The perfect to obtain the best results. One can find Enhanced registry tidy Utensils available available on the market that include Individuals tally Upon capabilities equivalent to the rule of thumb Filmy Online bez limitu Filmy online And also program scanning showcase Moreover backup facility. Is normally set scanning highlight that can find time for Normally the scan by how busy should certainly simply scan And afterward deal with registry errors, With out the need of The person Presumably bothering That is related to them. Producing Sophisticated Software program program will depend It's doable to substantiate You see, the registry but that may permit re-establish Generally registry values.I fancy the contrast of this and Magic: The Gathering , the card game. In M:TG , success is commonly measured in how nicely you tap dance across the rules. Ticket to Trip is a regimented title in which you'll be able to only do one motion per turn -- even though you want, and might usually do, far more given free reign. I believe this bumping and grinding towards Ticket to Ride ’s rule set is the most gratifying aspect; the sport is teasing and difficult you at all times.What youre saying is wholly true.

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Partitions of upper cardinality are extra costly. A means of simultaneous studying of actions and partitions is introduced and equilibrium partitions and motion decisions characterized. The model is ready to clarify deviations from subgame perfection which can be typically observed in experiments for arbitrarily small reasoning costs. Moreover it's proven that studying across games can destabilize strict Nash equilibria and stabilize equilibria in weakly dominated strategies as well as combined equilibria in 2 × 2 Coordination video games under sure conditions.NOTES: Injured Pittsburgh reliever Evan Meek could rejoin the crew as early as this week. To respond to this problem, the world’s scientific communities created the Worldwide Council for Science (ICSU), which manages some forty nine world information centres covering all disciplines. These world knowledge centres Filmy bez limitu Filmy had been set up at the beginning of the 1950s to foster exchanges and create infrastructures to enhance access to data and archives.A downset of (N, =) is called a feasible staff of the company, i.e., for any work, if the worker p attends it, then every worker with a rank beneath that of p must attend additionally this work. All downsets of N compose the set L(N ).Marek has been on the 15-day disabled record with proper shoulder tendinitis. ... Detroit is sixty four-29 in interleague play since 2006, the second-best mark in the majors behind Boston throughout that period. ... The Tigers now head dwelling for a 10-recreation homestand. ... The Pirates host a -recreation set towards Atlanta beginning Tuesday.
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Inscription: Lun Mai 30, 2011 8:44 am
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Message non lupar Rockela » Lun Mai 30, 2011 10:11 am

non c'est pas marrant effectivement ^^ mais ca va aller j'ai eu un traitement maintenant ^^
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Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar Rockela » Mar Mai 31, 2011 8:51 am

Coucou les filles bon je me reprends ! Je ré-attaque le régime ! Ce matin Au ptit dej : 1 bouteille d'hydroxylase+1 krissprolls avec un peu de margarine .
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Messages: 195
Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Message non lupar champsdepivoines » Mar Mai 31, 2011 11:34 am

bonjour rock! bonjour l'herpes! les aphtes auraient été presque plus sympa. en tout cas, fait gaffe aux bisouilles, c'est bien contagieux. soigne toi bien.
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Inscription: Dim Mai 08, 2011 3:01 pm

Message non lupar Rockela » Mar Mai 31, 2011 11:36 am

Merci champsdepivoine ^^

A midi :

1 steak haché de volailles+2champignons/1tomate et echalotte cuit avec .

1 tranche de pain + un petit bout de fromage de chèvre a 13%

1 maronsuisse ( fallait que je le finisse c'etait le dernier ) ^^
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Messages: 195
Inscription: Jeu Mai 12, 2011 6:58 pm


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